Adventure 27/52: Dancing in a flash mob

I have officially entered the second half of my year of 52 adventures, and I think this is an appropriately outrageous (for me) adventure to mark that milestone. May I present to you my debut as a flash mob dancer at University of Cincinnati's convocation ceremony for incoming students on Sunday, September 19, 2010:

I'm most visible toward the end of the video ... I'm the short, bespectacled dancer wearing a short-sleeved gray T-shirt, and at the end, you'll see me in my very best Mary Katherine Gallagher "Superstar" pose.

Dancing by myself or with friends makes me ridiculously giddy, but I was a little terrified about learning a routine and performing it in front of a few thousand people. However, after six hours of rehearsals with the group and a Saturday night of entertaining DP by practicing on my own, I was ready. I wasn't perfect, but I was 100% blissed out afterwards. And, as one of my fellow dancers noted, I am so ready to dazzle people the next time I'm out clubbing :)



  1. Jen, this is great! So... among all your adventures thus far, which one has surprised you the most? :)


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